segunda-feira, 1 de outubro de 2007

Waypoints de Diablo II

Localidade exata dos waypoints:
Rogue acampment
Cold plains
Stony field
Dark hood
Black marsh
Outer cloister
Jail level 1
Inner cloister
Catacombs level 2

Lut gholei
Sewers level 2
Dry hills
Halls of the dead level 2
Far oásis
Lost city
Palace cellar level 2
Arcane sanctuary
Caion of the magi

Kurast docks
Spider Forest
Great marsh
Flayer judle
Lower kurast
Kurast bazaar
Upper kurast
Durance of hate level 2

fortress City of damned
River of flame

Frigid Highlands
Arreat Plateau
Crystaline Passage
Halls of Pain
Glacial Trail
fronzen Tundra
The Ancients'way
Worldstone Keep Level 2